New arrival of Japanese Fixed blade knife making kit for beginners

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Let’s try to make a custom knife with a hand forged blade. To find a knife that perfectly fits your grip is to build it yourself. Please make your self custom knife making with this kit. The blades are made by Mr. Kosuke Muneishi.

It is easy to apply to blank wood! Because;

 -the wood is already shaped along a tang
 -it is fasten with hidden pins so as not to move out of position.

Thus you don’t feel any difficulties to attach it by yourself.
*Each blade is made by hand forging,  so a shape of each tang is slightly different.

 Please adjust its shape perfectly fitting for your tang, as a hole of a wood blank and brass bolster is cut a bit smaller than a tang.

Japanese Fixed blade knife making kit for beginners Hand forged Blue #2 steel

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