Tilpasset knivfremstilling — custom knife
Custom knife CNC making handle Customer Pictures from Martin. M, Austria
As we received a picture of a stunning custom knife, we happily share it. It seems to have a complicated shape, unique handle. The custom handle was made by CNC. Here are the customer pics, a making movie and messages." attached you will find my process to the handle...inspired from the kataba handle.....would be happy to get credits for a butcher knife, i would like to order from you!! "It was made by Martin. M from Austria. order itemsKosuke Muneishi Hand forged blank blade Blue #2 steel Kurouchi Petty knife 150mm
Custom blue 2 steel santoku knives with Cohesive design wooden handles and sayas, Customer Pictures from Eric. O, Norway
We are pleased to announce to you that these are unique custom knives. The custom finishes are made with Cohesive design wooden handles and sayas. Here are the customer pics and messages." I made with the Ibuki blades I bought. I really like the quality and the sharpness og your blades. I made the handles and sayas of juniper root and palisander, the thin white stripe is made from old piano keys ( ivory ) . " It was made by Eric. O from Norway.order itemsibuki tanzo Santoku knife blank blade forged blue #2 steel 125mm New custom knives April,2024It’s...
Custom Japanese Axe with a special wood, Customer Pictures from Colin. S, United State
We gratefully inform you about our customer’s work.That is extremely fascinating work, because it's hard to make a long wooden handle from special wood. It seems that nice shape and very tough by the fibers, knots in the wood. Here are the customer pics and message. " The wood is special - it is Bristlecone Pine (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinus_aristata), salvaged from a dead tree stump near where I live in Colorado. This type of pine tree is rare, produces a very dense wood, and only grows at high elevation in the Rocky Mountains (never commercially grown or cultivated). I was lucky...
Meget original kniv maker! Kundebilleder fra Todd. B, Amerikas Forenede Stater
Tak for en af vores kunde, vi introducerer dig nogle brugerdefinerede kniv lave nyheder. Hans brugerdefinerede knive har meget originale værker. Unikke former, Forskellige materialer og unikke petterns er meget interessant for os. Her er kundebeskeder og billeder. Denne sushi-kniv blev lavet til en ven som gave. Håndtaget er burl, ibenholt og syntetisk. Kassen blev lavet på min CNC fra Sapele med indlejrede magneter. Interiøret blev flokket og har skjulte magneter til at holde bladet på plads. Denne lille "paring" kniv har en Ebony håndtag med en tynd indlejret metal accent stribe. Det føles rigtig godt og afbalanceret i hånden....
Den brede santoku brugerdefinerede kniv med unikt wa håndtag og træ saya Customer Picture fra Martin. L, Canada.
Det er altid dejligt at rapportere en af vores kunders arbejde! Den brugerdefinerede fisk, der bruges til et imponerende trækorn, er meget raffineret. Det ser ud til at være en fremragende balance til nem brug. Her er kundebesked og billeder. " Her er den seneste kniv, jeg lavede med mit Santoku-blad. Håndtaget er sort valnød med en hård olie finish. Ferule er nikkel sølv. Saya er basswood " Det blev lavet af Martin. L fra Canada. Ordrepom Daisuke Nishida håndsmedet hvid #1 stål blank klinge Kurouchi bred Santoku 185mm