The edge of the knife is produced its shape and shinogi line with a rolling rough grinding wheel. Manaka Hamono where had created Japanese swords, he sharpens it by sitting on the floor. As a result, since he can freely put the body weight on his fingers and control its stress easily compared to standing, it gives an excellent sharpening accuracy. Then using a rough or a medium-rough whetstone and finishing up with a finishing whetstone.
Kasumi togi
To finish up a pattern of cloud called Kasumi togi. It is created by sharpening from core blade to base steel part called shinogi with whet tools in his own way.
*There are various ways and tools to create Kasumi togi.
About Shinogi
Shinogi is a part from making an angled to blade of edge.
*Please take a look at below pics. A blue part is Shinogi. Its width and angle are different from the types of knives and blacksmiths.
Creating Shinogi provides to be easily sharpened when it is burnished on a whetstone since it’s already slightly angled. All you need is to simply put Shinogi on a whetstone, no need to keep a certain angle of the blade to re-sharpen it.