custom knife making — Wa handle
Kaneko Sougyo High class chef knife Wa handles made by Meticulous work unique to Japanese women workers.

Kaneko Sougyo is one of the high class Japanese chef knives wa handle maker.High durability and Elaborate wa handles are made by Meticulous work unique to Japanese women workers.- KANEKO SOUGYO WA HANDLE -Kaneko Sougyo company was founded in 1957 in Tsubame-Sanjo-Japan, one of a town of blacksmiths. They mainly make farm and woodworking hand tools.In recent years, as craftsmen age and demand has entered a period of decline The number of wooden workers for Japanese knives has also decreased. And Development began when a local blacksmith asked us to manufacture a handle.Mass production of wa handles is extremely difficult. After several years...
Custom Santoku knife elaborate wa handle of Customer Picture from Daniel. C United States

It’s always delightful to report one of our customer’s work!The custom handle is elaborate work,It seems like a gemstone finish and nice balance custom knife!Here is the customer message.Handle is 135mm, made of African Padauk. Spacers are from 1/8” brass and G-10 around Inlace Abalone Acrylester. The collar is water buffalo horn. The weight of the brass and Abalone give it a perfect balance. The saya is also Padauk with border carved in. The gift box is pine, also handmade with finger joints. Handle and saya are finished with boiled linseed oil/wipe-on poly & carnauba wax.It was made by Daniel C from United...
How to remove wa handle from a Japanese chef knife.

How to remove wa handle from a Japanese chef knife. After setting masking or covering the blade, Please hit the top of the wa handle by the hammer and using a support wood.*Needs a long support wood for long blade knives. If you can't remove the handle easily. Please soak in the water or boling water. After the resin of setting the handle will into water, you can remove the handle.
What does the bolster of wa handle for?
What does the bolster of wa handle for? Japanese kitchen knives generally have a bolster(a part of wa handle) made of buffalo-horn, plastic or plywood for bolster which material is harder than its wooden handle. These days, there are Japanese kitchen knives without bolster. So what does the bolster for? To prevent from cracking When you attach the knife blank to wa handle, some might have experienced, the handle may crack or break. Even a skilled craftman carefully attach it, especially for deba knife (pointed carver) which tang is thick. Also, it might crack or break by pressing the...