custom knife making — How to make

How to remove wa handle from a Japanese chef knife.

How to make Wa handle

How to remove wa handle from a Japanese chef knife.

How to remove wa handle from a Japanese chef knife. After setting masking or covering the blade, Please hit the top of the wa handle by the hammer and using a support wood.*Needs a long support wood for long blade knives. If you can't remove the handle easily. Please soak in the water or boling water.  After the resin of setting the handle will into water, you can remove the handle.

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How to attach a tang to a wa handle of Japanese kitchen knives

How to make

How to attach a tang to a wa handle of Japanese kitchen knives

Most of Japanese kitchen knife manufacturers  a burned tang into a handle and then hammer the end of a handle. Inside of a handle burns by a heated tang, then resin comes out of the wood. It provides as adhesive function so that it won’t come off easily. However, it can cause tempering or cracking handle, furthermore, it is hard to take the tang out once it attached. It is difficult to attach properly. A recommended way for beginners are to make a hole as a shape of a tang, and then attach a tang with adhesives. As Japanese kitchen knives...

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How to make a hole in a wa handle of Japanese kitchen knife

How to make

How to make a hole in a wa handle of Japanese kitchen knife

How to make a hole in a wa handle of Japanese kitchen knifeThe tang of Japanese kitchen knives are called push tang, narrowing tang or concealed tang which are not full tang of western kitchen knives.  There is not a drill to make a straight and deep hole in a handle in the ancient times. It used to be making by concealed tang, putting tang between two piece of woods which has hole for tang.Saya of Japanese Kogatana, a small knife with wooden saya is still made with this way. As a disadvantage, a craftsman needs a time to carve a...

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How to fix curve of Japanese kitchen knives

How to make

How to fix curve of Japanese kitchen knives

How to fix curve of Japanese kitchen knives Nowadays Honyaki kitchen knives(made of one sheet steel)  are rare, but most Japanese kitchen knives are made of combining hard and soft iron steel. Combining sort iron steel to the base blade provides flexibility and easy to sharpen, as a disadvantage, the blade curve slightly after many years of use as it pulls from both sides of steel. To sheathe a kitchen knife in wooden saya prevents from curving. Japanese sword generally slightly curving from blade end to blade top.  Although there are few kitchen knives which is uncurved, you can fix...

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